The Ultimate CD Catalog has all the great features of the Basic CD Catalog, with some significant additions. First, there are several more advanced interface elements available which make navigating larger PDF file easier and more intuitive right from the interface. Also, a database is included that contains the full text of your PDF and HTML files. That database can be searched by keyword with clickable results that link you directly to the page where those keywords appear in your catalog. Finally, the CD checks the users system for an active internet connection. If one is present, then links to your e-mail address and any web page (one page per CD is standard, but more can be added as an option) you specify are displayed on each screen.
Don't forget that all NCI applications can be customized with optional features to suit your specific needs.
Other packages available:
Video CD
Basic CD Catalog
- Windows PC playback
- Autorun for Windows PCs.
- Up to 10 second intro animation.
- Built-in PDF display - no need for Acrobat Reader or Acrobat Reader Installer on the CD.
- PDF content can be displayed within the interface window.
- PDF or HTML content opens in a separate scaleable window†.
- Catalog table of contents screen linked directly to the PDF or HTML catalog content.
- Up to 10 catalog sections broken out through a tabbed interface.
- Complete PDF & HTML database indexing with full text keyword searching.††
- Web link.
- E:mail link.
- Closing company contact/info.
- Screen interface graphic design*.
- CD label design*.
- 100 Everest Printed CDs in clear polysleeves or paper sleeves w/clear window.
† PDF or HTML content must be in final finshed form for inclusion on the disc. We offer creation and conversion services at additional charge if you need your content converted to a useable form.
†† Requires PDF and HTML content that contains text. Scanned PDF documents and Flash based websites cannot be indexed.
* client must supply logo files and graphics if specific content is to be used.
Package price does not include shipping of completed discs or applicable sales taxes.
- Options -
- Macintosh OS X playback.
- Video playback.
- File copying/opening.
- Other CD printing and packaging options are available please call for specifics.
- Many other custom options are available. If you need it, we can make it - please call for details.