Creative Services:CD Catalogs

NCI is an award winning multimedia production company developing presentations for CD catalogs, information kiosks, sales and product presentations, training and other related applications.

CD Catalogs offer a high tech, high impact method to deliver a tangible tool on CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Business Card Disc, or USB Flash Drives for your sales and marketing efforts.

NCI CD Catalog Features and Benefits:

  • Simple to use: NCI CD Catalogs are designed to be easy to use for a broad market range. Generally, each disc is completely self sufficient requiring no additional software installers to operate. Special applications which require additional installers are programmed to guide the user through the installation process. Other standard features, including Autorun, make each disc as simple to operate as dropping it into the computer drive and closing the drawer.
  • Consistent Identity: Each disc is custom designed to match the identity of the client, providing a familiar working environment for your audience.
  • Network Integration: Our Catalog CDs can have a broad range of networking functions from generating e:mails to filling out online forms to updating content from a web server. They also offer an excellent method of driving targeted traffic to your website.
  • Compatibility: Compatibility with the latest operating systems including Windows 2000, XP and Mac OS X means your content can be viewed by the broadest possible market.
  • Flexible Content Delivery: Our programs can handle a wide variety of content smoothly and efficiently. Content such as pictures, audio, video, voice over, Flash, PDF files and even complete web pages and websites can all be handled effortlessly.
  • Database driven content: Database driven content allows for easy and rapid searching and organization of the disc content. Product databases, PDF files, and website content on the CD can all be indexed and made searchable on a keyword level, allowing your users to find what they need quickly and easily.
  • File Distribution: Accessory files can be included on the CD and linked to content within the catalog. An example might be to link an actual DWG drawing to a page in the catalog where that part or drawing appears. The program can allow the opening or copying from the CD of that accessory file through the catalog interface. This allows for the simple distribution of valuable information which could significantly influence the buying decisions of the end user.
  • Easy to update: CD catalogs can be extremely easy to update and can be developed so you can update them yourself. Low update costs coupled with our rapid turnaround short run disc production services mean you can continuously distribute up-to-date content without tying up resources in large inventories.
  • Multiple Languages: Our programs can be translated into multiple languages, further broadening your audience.
  • Content Parity: Content used in our production is easily repurposed for other applications such as websites, videos, print documents, tradeshow displays etc. This ensures the most mileage out of your production dollar and helps provide the consistent appearance which is so vital in working with your audience.
  • Cost Effective: With basic CD Catalogs starting at under $400.00 - production, reproduction and distribution can be significantly less expensive then traditional paper catalogs. We offer complete services from design to duplication and delivery. This one stop approach insures you the best cost with the least amount of effort.

Our production capabilities are not limited to CD Catalogs alone. We produce a complete range of interactive applications designed to meet the specific needs of our clients. These include touch screen kiosks, tradeshow displays, training programs, games, and much more.

Please contact us today to find out what we can do for your next Catalog CD or interactive program.

CD Catalogs
CD Catalog Example Screenshot

This CD Catalog contains in-line PDF catalog display and file distribution capabilities. This CD cut the clients reproduction and distribution costs by over 90% when compared to their standard printed catalog. It also provided their customers with more valuable information critical to their purchasing decisions.

We have developed several CD catalog packages that offer very cost effective alternatives to printed catalogs.

1. Video CD
2. Basic CD Catalog
3. Ultimate CD Catalog

Sales/Training Tools & Touch Screen Kiosks
Award Winning CD Catalog Screen Shot

BMA Silver Tower Award Winner

This CD was developed as a sales/training tool. It contains a consistent set of information including operational animations which train field reps the equipment options and functionality. Much of the content was also repurposed for use on their corporate website and within elements of their tradeshow booth.
Free CD Catalog Examples
Order our free demo/template CD here.

It contains 4 fully functional CD catalogs, animation samples, and information and templates for our CD and DVD duplication services.

Additionally, its a stunning CMY-White sample print from our Everest Direct to Disc short run CD printing process. Its like no disc you've ever seen before.